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  • January 11, 2022 5 min read

    Adopting a vegan lifestyle can be difficult for some people, especially when there are pitfalls to avoid when moving away from animal products. Given how lengthy the adjustment period can be, using every chance to set yourself up for success is crucial.

    By identifying the most common reasons people "fail" in Veganuary, you may be able to better plan how to avoid these mistakes and prepare yourself when faced with them. 

    Here are some of the most common reasons people fail at Veganuary — and how to avoid them.

    Here’s How To Succeed At Veganuary

    Let's break down the barriers that may be keeping you from being a vegan and hopefully raise Veganuary's overall success rate.

    You Think It’ll Be Hard To Maintain A Social Life

    Going out for a delicious dinner is one of our favourite things to do. One worry for those considering becoming vegan is that it may be tough to go out and enjoy a meal with their friends once they have ditched animal products.

    Fortunately, most restaurants now offer delicious vegan and vegetarian selections - especially during Veganuary. If you're concerned that your friends will choose a restaurant that isn't vegetarian or vegan-friendly, volunteer to organise dinner so that you can choose a place where all of you can eat. There's no need to sacrifice quality time with your friends, and you might even introduce them to some vegan dishes they'll adore!

    You Aren’t Being Supported By Friends Or Family

    This is most likely the biggest reason why people do not stick to a vegan diet. Food and relationships are such an important aspect of everyone's life.

    Here's the thing: it's very possible that something you do or decide in your life will make your family unhappy. Veganism, new employment, or a new life partner are all examples of this. The reality is that you and others around you will always disagree on something, no matter how minor.

    Being "the difficult one" who always requests a separate dinner or has to cook different meals for yourself can be exhausting, both physically and mentally. This continual friction has the potential to break you. It's tempting to give up, keep the peace, and eat the same as everyone else, whether or not there are animals on the plate.

    It's impossible to avoid the fact that being vegan is difficult when your partner, children, parents, friends, or coworkers oppose it. When you have a strong conviction about avoiding eating animals and their by-products, having to prepare it for others can be traumatic, but take comfort in knowing that you're doing your part, and you should be proud!

    Here are some suggestions to help you stay strong throughout these times:

    • Prepare vegan-friendly dishes and then add animal products halfway through the cooking process, separating yours first. For example, spag bol or curries. 
    • Make a big batch of nutritious meals for yourself and keep them in the fridge or freezer for the rest of the week to avoid cooking daily. 
    • Introduce vegan days to your household so that the rest of your family can see the benefits of veganism and how delicious vegan meals can be.

    You’ve Not Become Clear On You’re “Why”

    We sometimes make commitments without realising why we're doing so. We can get caught up in the enthusiasm without realising where our drive originates, leading to lapses in judgement. After all, changing your life is difficult, and being vegan can be a big shift for some people.

    Having a specific motive for being a vegan will help you reorient yourself if you get off track. Before you do anything else, make sure you understand your "why," or why you want to be a vegan, so you can properly prepare yourself if you make a mistake.

    Individual benefits become a by-product or even an afterthought when you have a deeper, more selfless perspective of veganism, enhancing your commitment along the way.

    You’re Too Hard On Yourself

    We’re only human, so mistakes happen. There will be occasions when you come across something that contains animal products and end up eating it, which is just fine. Even the most devoted vegans can make mistakes. Consider treating yourself with compassion and remembering that mistakes aren't the same as failure. Instead, concentrate on how to avoid a repeat of the situation in the future.

    Another way to look at mistakes is to stop referring to them as mistakes. Instead, use these events to learn more about yourself and what situations you're most likely to slip up to avoid them in the future. 

    You’re Struggling To Cook

    Transitioning your lifestyle to exclude meat, dairy, eggs, and honey would be difficult for individuals who don't enjoy spending time in the kitchen or who have a tendency to burn things to a crisp without meaning to.

    You may even adore cooking, but you have no idea what to prepare right now. But it's difficult to run out of ideas with so many cookbooks, food websites, and new products in mainstream stores. Sure, it would have been a different scenario five or so years ago, but today, information is abundant everywhere you look!

    Start slowly and gradually add other foods once you've mastered the basics. There's always something new to try out and experiment with. Your only limitation is how far you're willing to go.

    You Don’t Know Enough About The Vegan Lifestyle

    Watch, read, listen, talk to others, and make connections with others who share your interests. Veganism is getting more and more accessible every day. Veganism is becoming more popular, and for good cause!

    Read up on the optimal plant-based macronutrient profiles for your body type if you want to increase your physical performance. Learn how to get protein from plants in a variety of ways.

    "Knowledge is power," as the old adage goes, and the more you have, the more motivated you will be to stay vegan.


    The most common thread running through all of these reasons why people struggle with vegan diets is the need to be patient with yourself. Taking the time to identify your personal blind spots and obstacles will make your Veganuary journey both easier and more enjoyable.

    We believe that taking nutritional supplements should be an integral part of a vegan diet and even for people who aren’t vegan. Omvits is an ethical supplement producer, so our products are clean, sustainable, cruelty-free (100% vegan), delivered in plastic-free packaging and trusted by thousands of happy customers around the world. 

    Give us a try and we offer a 90-day happiness guarantee so if there’s anything you don’t like, just let us know and we’ll give you a full refund. That’s how confident we are about our products!

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