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  • May 25, 2021 3 min read

    Kate Strong is a former world champion triathlete and she’s powered by plants!

    On the 26th and 27th of May, Kate’s attempting to smash three world cycling records in only 24 hours.  When we spoke to Kate, she told us what inspired her to do this. 

    “The 1 & 12-hour record already exists. But there's no 24-hour record.  There is one for a man yet not for a female. That's why I was inspired to do it. And wouldn't it be great if a 42-year-old woman was able to break the 1-hour record and then stay on the bike for another 24 hours? And still, set two new worlds records within that?” 

    To prepare for the world record, Kate told us she is training for up to 10 hours a day on the bike; she also cuts out toxins; no alcohol, caffeine is reduced, and whole-food has increased. She said, “I'm looking forward to keeping my mind looking healthy and happy and focused on committing to a great day”. 

    Kate has been plant-based since 2013; we asked what changes she’s experienced since making the shift, she told us: 

    “I noticed when I was running my legs were getting stronger. I could, in theory, run further, my recovery was fast, BUT my lungs were burning, my throat was constricting, I had a lot of phlegm. I wasn't able to physically deliver more because I was just struggling in breathing. 

    The more I researched, it came down to the quantity of dairy I was eating. Initially, I just couldn't understand; I’ve spent my life being told that dairy is needed for strong bones and strong teeth. But I was being told that it was also creating phlegm and triggering my asthma. I decided to go completely cold turkey.

    I completely gave up dairy for 30 days. But within five days, I was running about five to seven seconds per kilometre faster. I didn't have any burning in my lungs; my throat felt a lot clearer. Then over time, my skin cleaned up as well. I was having fewer outbreaks and fewer spots. 

    I can never imagine myself eating anything from an animal ever again, not just for my health, but for all the other reasons that we now are becoming very aware of.” 

    Kate’s world record is happening in Bristol, on Wednesday, the 26th of May, she starts cycling at 3 pm, finishing on Thursday the 27th of May at 3 pm, at the Clifton Observatory in Bristol, which is set in a beautiful location.

    Kate enthused, “So we can watch the sunset, the sunrise and the full moon will also be live streaming it. The idea for this challenge isn't just the show and tell of Kate; and it’s to inspire you to do something within that 24 hours.

    Commit to doing something yourself. Maybe join me for an hour and try to beat me. I'd love the motivation. It's about just joy and bringing a bit of movement into our lives.

    I want more people to have this conversation. So why not use my sport as that platform for this promotion of positive change?”

    It’s not every day that we get invited to support a plant-based athlete who is attempting to break a world record, so we would love for you to show your support and join us on Zoom to shower Kate with energy and love.

    The Zoom call will last for about 45 minutes and we may have to limit the number of people based on internet connectivity etc, so if you’d like to join us then please register ASAP.

    When: Thursday 27 May 2021 at 1:05 pm

    Where: Zoom 

    It’s free to register, and a great opportunity to meet Kate, her team and a few of us from Omvits. If you have any questions for Kate then please let us know and we’ll try and get her to answer them while she’s on the bike!


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